86,460 results for placetypes that are a land feature
  1. Westpark
    Westpark, Stadtkreis München, Bayern, Deutschland (LandFeature)
  2. John Cain Memorial Park
    John Cain Memorial Park, City of Darebin, Victoria, Australia (LandFeature)
  3. Pioneer Womens Memorial Gardens
    Pioneer Womens Memorial Gardens, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia (LandFeature)
  4. Sandringham Mem. Gdns
    Sandringham Mem. Gdns, Sydney, New South Wales, Australia (LandFeature)
  5. Kartitscher Sattel
    Kartitscher Sattel, Lienz, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)
  6. Kleiner Bettelwurf
    Kleiner Bettelwurf, Innsbruck-Land, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)
  7. Laliderer Spitze
    Laliderer Spitze, Schwaz, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)
  8. Rappenspitze
    Rappenspitze, Schwaz, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)
  9. Speckkarspitze
    Speckkarspitze, Innsbruck-Land, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)
  10. Vorderskopf
    Vorderskopf, Schwaz, Tirol, Österreich (LandFeature)

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