10,564 results for placetypes that are an estate
  1. 214 North Temple Condominium
    214 North Temple Condominium, Salt Lake, Utah, United States (Estate)
  2. A and F Trailer Court
    A and F Trailer Court, Maricopa, Arizona, United States (Estate)
  3. A and F Trailer Park
    A and F Trailer Park, Maricopa, Arizona, United States (Estate)
  4. A-1 Trailer Park
    A-1 Trailer Park, Maricopa, Arizona, United States (Estate)
  5. Abbotsford Homes
    Abbotsford Homes, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, United States (Estate)
  6. Aberdeen Estates
    Aberdeen Estates, Douglas, Georgia, United States (Estate)
  7. Ablett Village
    Ablett Village, Camden, New Jersey, United States (Estate)
  8. Abney Estates
    Abney Estates, St. Tammany Parish, Louisiana, United States (Estate)
  9. Abrams Lake Mobile Estates
    Abrams Lake Mobile Estates, Siskiyou, California, United States (Estate)
  10. Academy Estates
    Academy Estates, Beaufort, South Carolina, United States (Estate)

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