21 places near 澎湖縣, 臺灣
filter by placetype:
  1. 馬公市
    馬公市, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Town)
  2. 大池村
    大池村, 西嶼鄉, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Town)
  3. 池東村
    池東村, 西嶼鄉, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Town)
  4. 竹灣村
    竹灣村, 西嶼鄉, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Town)
  5. Taiwan Province
    Taiwan Province, 臺灣 (Colloquial)
  6. 漁翁島
    漁翁島, 西嶼鄉, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Island)
  7. Pescadores Islands
    Pescadores Islands, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (Island)
  8. 西嶼鄉
    西嶼鄉, 澎湖縣, 臺灣 (County)
  9. Asia/Taipei
    Asia/Taipei (Timezone)
  10. Asia/Shanghai
    Asia/Shanghai, 中國 (Timezone)

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{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "geo_shape": { "geometry": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "1km", "coordinates": [ 119.504272, 23.622129 ] } } } } ], "must_not": [ { "terms": { "woe:placetype": [ 0, 11, 25 ] } }, { "term": { "geom:latitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "term": { "geom:longitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "exists": { "field": "woe:superseded_by" } } ] } }, "aggs": { "placetypes": { "terms": { "field": "woe:placetype_name", "size": 10000 } } }, "sort": [ { "woe:scale": { "order": "desc", "mode": "max" } }, { "woe:id": { "order": "asc", "mode": "max" } } ] }