26 places near Derby Sinfin Golf Club, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom
  1. Derby Sinfin Golf Club
    Derby Sinfin Golf Club, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (POI)
  2. Sinfin Central Railway Station
    Sinfin Central Railway Station, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (POI)
  3. Sinfin North Railway Station
    Sinfin North Railway Station, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (POI)
  4. Allenton
    Allenton, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (Suburb)
  5. Sinfin
    Sinfin, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (Suburb)
  6. Sunnyhill
    Sunnyhill, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (Suburb)
  7. Derby
    Derby, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  8. Erewash Borough
    Erewash Borough, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)
  9. South Derbyshire District
    South Derbyshire District, Derbyshire, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)
  10. North West Leicestershire District
    North West Leicestershire District, Leicestershire, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)

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