25 places near Coopersale Street, Essex, England, United Kingdom
filter by placetype:
  1. Coopersale Street
    Coopersale Street, Essex, England, United Kingdom (POI)
  2. Epping
    Epping, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  3. Mount End
    Mount End, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  4. Fiddlers Hamlet
    Fiddlers Hamlet, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  5. Coopersale
    Coopersale, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  6. Epping Forest District
    Epping Forest District, Essex, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)
  7. South East England
    South East England, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)
  8. Home Counties
    Home Counties, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)
  9. East Anglia
    East Anglia, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)
  10. 0208 London
    0208 London, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)

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{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "geo_shape": { "geometry": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "1km", "coordinates": [ 0.13104, 51.695549 ] } } } } ], "must_not": [ { "terms": { "woe:placetype": [ 0, 11, 25 ] } }, { "term": { "geom:latitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "term": { "geom:longitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "exists": { "field": "woe:superseded_by" } } ] } }, "aggs": { "placetypes": { "terms": { "field": "woe:placetype_name", "size": 10000 } } }, "sort": [ { "woe:scale": { "order": "desc", "mode": "max" } }, { "woe:id": { "order": "asc", "mode": "max" } } ] }