26 places near St. Peter, Sint Maarten
filter by placetype:
  1. Industrie
    Industrie, Sint Maarten (Town)
  2. Lower Prince's Quarter
    Lower Prince's Quarter, Sint Maarten (Town)
  3. Mary's Fancy
    Mary's Fancy, Sint Maarten (Town)
  4. Over the Pond
    Over the Pond, Sint Maarten (Town)
  5. Prospect Farm
    Prospect Farm, Sint Maarten (Town)
  6. Rockland
    Rockland, Sint Maarten (Town)
  7. St. Peter
    St. Peter, Sint Maarten (Town)
  8. Saunders
    Saunders, Sint Maarten (Town)
  9. Trial
    Trial, Sint Maarten (Town)
  10. SSS Islands
    SSS Islands (Colloquial)

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{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "geo_shape": { "geometry": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "1km", "coordinates": [ -63.065811, 18.058399 ] } } } } ], "must_not": [ { "terms": { "woe:placetype": [ 0, 11, 25 ] } }, { "term": { "geom:latitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "term": { "geom:longitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "exists": { "field": "woe:superseded_by" } } ] } }, "aggs": { "placetypes": { "terms": { "field": "woe:placetype_name", "size": 10000 } } }, "sort": [ { "woe:scale": { "order": "desc", "mode": "max" } }, { "woe:id": { "order": "asc", "mode": "max" } } ] }