26 places near Baker Street, Essex, England, United Kingdom
  1. Baker Street
    Baker Street, Essex, England, United Kingdom (POI)
  2. Little Thurrock
    Little Thurrock, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Suburb)
  3. Grays Thurrock
    Grays Thurrock, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  4. Orsett
    Orsett, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  5. Tilbury
    Tilbury, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  6. North Stifford
    North Stifford, Essex, England, United Kingdom (Town)
  7. London Borough of Havering
    London Borough of Havering, Greater London, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)
  8. Thurrock
    Thurrock, Essex, England, United Kingdom (LocalAdmin)
  9. South East England
    South East England, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)
  10. Home Counties
    Home Counties, England, United Kingdom (Colloquial)

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{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "geo_shape": { "geometry": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "1km", "coordinates": [ 0.34, 51.5 ] } } } } ], "must_not": [ { "terms": { "woe:placetype": [ 0, 11, 25 ] } }, { "term": { "geom:latitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "term": { "geom:longitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "exists": { "field": "woe:superseded_by" } } ] } }, "aggs": { "placetypes": { "terms": { "field": "woe:placetype_name", "size": 10000 } } }, "sort": [ { "woe:scale": { "order": "desc", "mode": "max" } }, { "woe:id": { "order": "asc", "mode": "max" } } ] }