32 places near Debesa, Derby-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia
filter by placetype:
  1. Camballin
    Camballin, Derby-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Town)
  2. Debesa
    Debesa, Derby-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Town)
  3. Geegully Creek
    Geegully Creek, Derby-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Town)
  4. Fitzroy River
    Fitzroy River, Derby-west Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Drainage)
  5. Bonaparte Archipelago
    Bonaparte Archipelago, Wyndham-east Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Island)
  6. Buccaneer Archipelago
    Buccaneer Archipelago, Australia (Island)
  7. Coronation Island
    Coronation Island, Wyndham-east Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Island)
  8. Archipelago of the Recherche
    Archipelago of the Recherche, Esperance, Western Australia, Australia (Island)
  9. Hummock Island
    Hummock Island, Wyndham-east Kimberley, Western Australia, Australia (Island)
  10. Bird Island
    Bird Island, Rockingham, Western Australia, Australia (Island)

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{ "query": { "bool": { "must": [ { "geo_shape": { "geometry": { "shape": { "type": "circle", "radius": "1km", "coordinates": [ 124.065323, -17.804501 ] } } } } ], "must_not": [ { "terms": { "woe:placetype": [ 0, 11, 25 ] } }, { "term": { "geom:latitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "term": { "geom:longitude": { "value": 0.0 } } }, { "exists": { "field": "woe:superseded_by" } } ] } }, "aggs": { "placetypes": { "terms": { "field": "woe:placetype_name", "size": 10000 } } }, "sort": [ { "woe:scale": { "order": "desc", "mode": "max" } }, { "woe:id": { "order": "asc", "mode": "max" } } ] }